Monday, July 1, 2013

Regression from Progress.

Sometimes I like to write out letters long-handed just to remember the feel of it. So much has changed even in my short lifetime that as a society we've forgotten what it feels like to open a letter and read the words of another person painstakingly written out in ink. In a time where the most trivial matters can be made known to the world in an instant it can be hard to see why anyone would go to the trouble of writing out a letter and sending it via snail-mail to someone in the hope that by the time they receive it the information will still be relevant or they will have not known it already. Technology has made us lazy and narcissistic, giving us the power to put whatever we like into the world's view in a matter of seconds just at the click of a button or flick of the wrist. We think we are so important now. The internet can make anyone a celebrity. It can  ruin lives, friendships, businesses, dreams, bring down whole nations or build them up. With so much power in our hands shouldn't we be more responsible with it? Has that power corrupted us? Are we any less human because of our reliance on machines? Wold we be able to cope without them ever again? Have convience and speed whittled away at our resolve? If I sent you a book would you read it or wait for the movie? If I sent you flowers would you smell and admire them or put pictures of them on instagram? 

Open your eyes, throw off the rose-colored glasses and take a stand.Regain that lost part of yourself. Write a letter.Draw a picture. Read a book. Go outside. Live a life. Live in the moment. In reality, not virtual reality. Remember yourself. Be unique and individual. Then when all is said and done go back and bring others out into the sunlight.

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