Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I find constant changes keeps people on their toes and makes life a little more interesting, hence why the title of this blog changes randomly. I like to keep you, my imaginary audience, on your toes.

So I am a college kid with a full class schedule, a boyfriend, friends, and a family and yet I decided to try and maintain about 5 separate blogs. Why yes I AM a masochist. This blog however is dedicated to all the things I say, do, find, or think of that don't really fit in the parameters of my other blogs, a "brain dump" if you will. I  hope that you will enjoy the sheer randomosity of this blog and frequent it at your convenience, nothing would delight me more :)

More information on myself:

  • I am a rabid fangirl. I fangirl over: Doctor Who, Once Upon A Time, Dexter, CastleThe Mentalist, David Tennant, Toby Turner (Tobuscus!), Blue Exorcist, Sailor Moon, Disney princesses, Merlin, Minecraft, and various other nerdy things.
  • I love to read, write, act, sing, do color guard and flail about pretending to dance.
  • I refer to myself in the third person frequently.
  • I like to try new things.
  • I can be quite a derp.
  • I love memes.
  • I'm afraid of needles and spiders.
  • I hate to be left alone. Scary things happen when you're alone.
  • I watch WAY too much Youtube.
  • I love to read.
There is much more to tell but I've got too much to do and too little time, so I leave you with a couple neat links and but you all adieu.

A Whovian vlog by one of my friends: http://www.youtube.com/user/NerdyCharityLynn

My favorite artists: http://www.qorter.deviantart.com/  & http://aironshiroi.deviantart.com/

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